Award-winning Journalist, Entrepreneur, and Author - Shane Snow


Episode 369, Shane Snow

Part 1:

Part 2:

Shane Snow


Shane Snow is an award-winning journalist, explorer, and entrepreneur, and the author. He speaks globally about innovation and teamwork, has performed comedy on Broadway, and been in the running for the Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism.

Snow has helped expose gun traffickers, explored abandoned buildings around the world, eaten only ice cream for weeks in the name of science, and taught hundreds of thousands of people to work better through his books, including the #1 business bestseller Dream Teams.

Snow's writing has appeared in GQ, Fast Company, Wired, The New Yorker, and more. He is also a board member of the media technology company Contently, and the journalism nonprofit The Hatch Institute. Make sure to check out Follow him on LinkedIn.

From our host, Jess Larsen:

Shane’s books, especially “Smartcuts” has had such a big effect on me that he was on my list for dream guests right from the start 350+ episodes ago and I hope the episode motivates you to hop on and go get your own copy today because I can’t think of a project, business or program goal that wouldn’t be helped by it: or my choice, audio:

After the show I went and used his free content strategy builder he was talking about and it was great and my busienss partners were super impressed when I showed them the personalized report it sent me. You can use it too at:

As you can tell from the episode I was really looking forward to this interview so if listen to the episode and like it and you have a minute please email me and tell me what part stood out to you most and especially anyway you see applying this methodology in your life.



PS Lastly, on the show we said we would post his tips on Linkedin and how he got his 389,000 followers from the email he had recently sent someone:

“Here's the tl/dr of my linkedin advice, which I emailed to a friend who asked the other day:

1. It's all about how broadly the LinkedIn algorithm surfaces your content to people. If you don't get seen, your content quality doesn't matter. So this means looking at what seems to work for other people, and leaning into the newer LinkedIn features as much as possible. I built my following primarily by being active on LinkedIn articles RIGHT when they started. That's because the algorithm surfaced articles way more than other things. Now it looks like LinkedIn Newsletters and LinkedIn Documents are the ones they are favoring. Videos was the big one, but now less so.

2. Getting people to comment on your posts helps them spread to more people. Even if you have a big following, if you don't get comments within the first 30 minutes, it's unlikely that your posts will get seen by many people. So hence why I ask people once in a while to comment. :)

3. After that, it's all about putting out a consistent stream of helpful, useful content. I've found that my audience has grown the most when I'm not promoting something, but when I'm just publishing great stuff every week. It is playing the long game, essentially.

A lot of people put out a lot of content, but it's not good, or they don't get it surfaced. I think where my eye was caught by your post was in the honest, personal storytelling. That kind of vulnerability really struck a chord with me. Not that everything needs to be THAT. But the more you can do things that catch people's attention, the better.

Hope that helps!”

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