Saving $2 Million for the Underprivileged and Changing a Whole Industry

Scott Stiles, Episode #120/121

Part One

Part Two

Co-Founder & General Manager, Fair Employment Agency

The Fair Employment Agency is Asia’s first social enterprise employment agency, focused on finding work for foreign domestic workers without illegal fees or crippling debts. Bonded labor is one of the most critical human rights issues in Asia right now, particularly for women from developing countries. And Hong Kong’s international reputation has been badly damaged due to ill treatment of domestic helpers. The Fair Employment Agency aims to alleviate both of these problems by aligning the interests of the domestic workers, the employers, and the government, through transparent services and international standards of migrant labor placement.

Scott Stiles is the General Manager of FEA and its first employee. While in Hong Kong on an internship in 2012, Scott learned about the many issues facing Foreign Domestic Workers. During his final year of university in the U.S., he created a business model for what is now the Fair Employment Agency. He sent the business model to David who forwarded it along to Tammy. After receiving positive feedback for his plan, he decided to forego a career in finance, move to Hong Kong and pursue FEA.

Jess Larsen